3. No events with crowds
4. Frequently & thoroughly disinfect public spaces; Inspect often
5. Allow restaurants & bars to open but reduce capacity, make staff wear masks, use dividers
6. Encourage people to go outdoors (fresh air, sunlight & exercise are good)
Protect the vulnerable
7. Vulnerable people should continue to self-quarantine & receive all care & services needed
8. Carers who tested positive for antibodies should be the first choice to assist the vulnerable
9. Create opportunities for those in self-quarantine to go outside
11. Intensify efforts to reduce risk of infection in nursing homes
12. & prisons
13. Encourage those in quarantine to take vit D supplements

Testing & Tracking
14. Quickly test small random sample of population for:
-virus (who has it?)
-antibodies for the virus (who had it?)
15. Mass testing: Make tests available everywhere
16. Issue antibody certificates for those who now presumably are immune
17. Share testing results in anonymized freely accessible databases
18. To encourage testing & treatment guarantee people don't have to pay for treatment
19. To encourage testing & treatment, pay for missed work
20. Tracking: Through detailed info & cell phone data track people an infected person was in contact with, & contact them
21. Track hospital capacity & share results

22. Avoid hospitalization as much as possible
23. Strictly separate COVID-19 patients from other patients in a hospital or create special facilities for COVID-19 patients
24. Expand-right-to-try to non-terminally ill patients
25. Encourage use of hydroxychloroquine a& chloroquine as first option
26. To prevent P-hacking encourage doctors/researchers to preregister their research setups.

27. Switch from precautionary principle framework to permissionless innovation framework
28. Use tort law, common law, contract law etc to curb excesses & prevent recklessness
29. Encourage voluntary variolation research where volunteers are infected with low viral dose
30. Allow controlled human challenge trials to speed up vaccine research
31. Research risk of airborne transmission
32. Encourage international cooperation
33. Subsidize data sharing
34. Award prizes for scientific & technological breakthroughs that might otherwise not be sufficiently financially rewarded
35. Continue production of PPE & medical equipment such as ventilators
36. Fire and/or relentlessly shame the authorities who failed to properly prepare us for the pandemic, who hindered private efforts to produce tests & who spread dangerous misinformation (eg about masks not being effective)
37. Give politicians & officials skin in the game by cutting salaries until the lockdown ends
38. Get rid of models whose forecasts repeatedly proved inaccurate and stop listening to the people who developed them
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