Dramatic reduction of seismic noise in @Paris due to the #COVID19 #lockdown.
Noise measured at CURIE seismic station @IPGP.

Thanks to @seismotom and @obspy for the @ProjectJupyter notebook: https://github.com/ThomasLecocq/SeismoRMS

And thanks Parisians for staying home! #ResteChezToi #StayHome
And if you wonder why the seismic station is called CURIE: it is in the basement of a lodge ("pavillon") built by Pierre Curie on 1903 and used by Marie Curie from 1906 to 1914 for her research on Radium. It is now part of @IPGP_officiel campus. Photos : https://www.flickr.com/photos/le_projet_lutetium/albums/72157652578288998/
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