im tired of being confused about my sexuality
im not really comfortable with labelling myself as bisexual, but I don't know if im lesbian either but then it feels like I am but I like jimin?? but then again him and every other man I've had a crush on have been celebrities and idk if I'd like them if they were actually here
like as soon as a man have showed affection towards me I have also been extremely uncomfortable and just not into it at all ??? do straight girls feel like this too??
I just can't imagine a man having his arms around me and like looking at me fondly đŸ€ą it makes me CRINGE
and I can't make up a good looking male face without using an existing example, whilst with girls I can clearly make up an ideal girl
what even goes on
what are labels even
do people who clearly know they like men also feel the creeps when a man is physically too close to them?? like a male friend you're otherwise comfortable with
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