I don’t understand how this pandemic is making so many people realize we need drastic policy reform across the board, including medicare for all, but they aren’t connecting that bernie is the ONLY candidate who will make these changes
joe biden is adamantly anti-medicare for all. his policies are historically much more conservative than progressive. he has SEVERAL sexual assault accusations against him. he wants to keep things status quo, aka his big money friends stay as rich as ever
I don’t understand how anyone with clear conscious can support joe biden. his supporters are way too willing to turn a blind eye to a multitude of horrors for... what reason exactly? pettiness on the internet?
joe biden is a watered down trump. he will lose to trump, and it won’t be the fault of progressives who refused to stand behind another rapist. it will be the fault of everyone who refused to see that now, more than ever, we need a compassionate leader who can reform this country
reality has endorsed bernie sanders during these horrible times. if we want to come out of this pandemic with a BETTER reality, rather than the status quo that got us into this mess, you should endorse him too.
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