OK, there is so much going on in this tweet and I'm bored...

So, let's unpack this and try to peak inside Mike's age addled mind.
"Going to play golf"

So, Mike is an #olds and thinks that going to play golf is something that's still totally cool to do.

But wait...
"Going to play golf. Enjoyed it."

Is he going to play golf? Or did he already play? Or is he reminiscing about how enjoyed the time when going to play golf was possible?
"If you leave me questions...I will answer them later"

OK, so, he's obviously going to be busy for a bit, which means he's about to go golfing.

This leaves a very pressing question... What did he enjoy?
" #StayHome"

He's literally going golfing. But, he wants everyone to stay home. What does he think staying home is?
"I can walk to the course"

Does Mike think that as long as you don't drive somewhere, you're still at home?

Does he think that getting in your car and driving somewhere is the part of leaving your house that officials want us to avoid?
"real questions"

What is a real question? Does he mean no hypothetical questions? Or is this his way of trying to keep trolls out of his mentions?

Either way, that's like telling a bully not to bully you. It's just going to make it worse.

Why does he need a postscript. It's a tweet. Just add the thought before hitting send. Does he think that it's important that we know that this was thought of after the writing of the original text?

What the hell is that about?
I honestly get more confused at this tweet the longer I look at it.

If anyone has any theories on any of these questions, I would love to hear them. Now back to work.

*Opens beer*
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