Just saw an old skool, dealer on a bicycle pop in to a house chit chat product/money change hands drug deal and CMON fellas, don’t you watch Breaking Bad/The Wire/Movies? Dead drop that shit, social-distancing style.
People are just SO BAD AT THIS. My current beef? Social -Distancing Walks. Two people barely apart walking for 40 minutes turning their heads and chatting at volume. In the wind. Oh ooops here comes a car better close that gap to avoid it. *facepalm*
Here’s me thinking the same people RABID about out-of-staters coming here to spread the virus might stay at home, but no - they are out visiting each other, chatting away in groups. Except, you know on the front porch with 3 feet between them instead of inside so all fiiiiiiine.
I saw three dudes yesterday who had each pulled their trucks up & parked and stood in front of them to chat and whatnot, which sure borderline fine I guess they’re manly NO HOMO men who don’t look at each other when they talk anyway and they were vaguely separated....
Then one reached over to borrow a cigarette from the other who I swear to god spat in the dirt at that exact moment. So yeah we are all getting it thanks for your help, brosephs.
Okay I’ll stop this is just gonna get me mad. STAY SAFE EVERYONE.
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