Satan isn’t the government telling churches they can’t gather for fear of spreading virus.

Satan is the pastor/ priest / congregant still urging them to gather.

Satan is easy to recognize. Sin isn’t always original. He’s still trying the same tricks he tried on Jesus...
1) You’re hungry for something ? Then take what you want! You have the power - just do it. Whose going to stop you?

2) You say you have faith- we’ll prove it. Put yourself at risk and see if God will protect you.
3) As Gods beloved you deserve the political power, social influence and material wealth! It’s a sigh of God’s blessing and I know how to give it to you....

Those who put their own wants before love of neighbour arent following Jesus however much they shout his name in praise
Satan is also the one who caused all the typos.


Cough. 🙄
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