CKC invites you to join us for a “Vintage Make-Along” starting April 4 on Ravelry and Facebook! So many of us are experiencing loneliness, stress, and grief as we face these tumultuous and terrifying times -- we hope this activity will provide both respite and companionship.
Our Ravelry Group has already started on this, and we hope to bring it to a CKC Facebook group very soon. (You may need to be a Ravelry member to follow this link.)

All are welcome; the guidelines are simple:
-Pick something “vintage” or “vintage-inspired”

-WIPs count, and stash yarns count too!

-Get creative, and share a bit with the group about how your project fits our theme.

Then knit-, crochet-, or make-along with us! Make or finish something for people in need, ...
...for someone you love, or for yourself.

We welcome other crafts too. Feel free to share whatever you are working on: masks, quilts, prayer shawls, even window decorations to brighten homes and public spaces. What we make is not as important as finding ways to connect...
...and help each other.

There’s no deadline; we’ll keep this thread active as long as we need it. Somehow, we will get through this together!

#KnitAlong #CrochetAlong #VintageKAL #VintageCAL #IsolationKnitting #IsolationCrochet #JoinUs
You can follow @CtrKnitCrochet.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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