@GenFlynn knew the C_A,FBI & Branches of Gov.had used our money to pay-off other countries to gain power over us.

They had a plan [HRC] fail.[Comey,McCabe,Page, Strzok,JB,BOH] did have an insurance policy.
[They] still had plans to remove @realDonaldTrump in anyway! Remember..
....We had a Government Shutdown from 12/22/18 - 01/25/19 When Pelosi, Schiff & entire family over (80) were told to fly commercial? They were leaving the Country🤔 I believe to be out of the USA while there was an attempt to assassinate our President & @VP Who would B President
... Can you tell me that through all their attempts to remove @realDonaldTrump this has not been tried many many times? Think AF1 changing course over CA.[Rocket launch] [Cars driving to hit motorcade] @GenFlynn @realDonaldTrump @VP are all target's. Pray for their Saftey!🙏🇺🇸
...We The People didn't OBEY our Overlords in 2016! [HRC] couldn't finish what [BHO] had started. The DEPLORABLES made the ELITES lose their collective $hit! Top level hacks in DOJ,FBI with WH holdovers went into no holds barred WAR against us = @realDonaldTrump @VP @GenFlynn 🇺🇸
...today ELITES🤮
Have pulled out all the stops. Desperate doesn't adequately describe them. They are Satanic demons clawing, nashing their teeth to kill all who stand in their way. Use [COVID-19] stop us at all cost
Their food supply cut off,Abortion,trafficking, drugs,payload.
....Shut down the World, destroy the economy, fear, control,death. That is the Democratic Demons.
This will FAIL EPICALLY! They will have nowhere to hide! The masses will know what [They] are! God will be the Victor! Digital Soldiers we are Strong. There is a GOD! BE AT PEACE.🙏
I don't say this lightly. Even those of us awake will be devastated by what we will see & learn the CABAL ELITES sacrificed(The babies & children)to serve Satan,to rule the World.

Love one another, no fear, run to the fight,don't give in! God is our Savior & #GodWins #JUSTICE
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