Dear BC:
As an Infectious Diseases Specialist, I want to tell you a few words about mask wearing.
I am happy we are reconsidering our stance nationally (and culturally) on wearing basic/surgical masks to reduce transmission, esp from ppl carrying the virus and don’t know it
However, we have a supply problem. The first line of defence will always be physical distancing and hand hygiene. Most medical grade masks need to be reserved at this time for health care workers or others who have no choice but to be within 6 feet of people with the virus 2/n
Cloth masks I think will be good for general public use ie to grocery store

However, pls STOP WEARING N95 MASKS for general use. I see you- the mask isn’t properly sealed to your face, you pull it down over your chin, your eyes exposed so you are not even protected fully
This is terrible stewardship of a limited resource that front line health workers need for what we call aerosol generating medical procedures, such as managing airways. Please consider donating your N95s to health care workers that are exposed to aerosols.
This is about strategy. If it reassures you, I feel very confident that I am protected wearing my basic surgical mask for most of what I do at work.

I want our nurses, respiratory therapists, surgeons, critical care doctors, emergency doctors and anesthesiologists to have the correct equipment when they need it when they have to create aerosols to save lives.

In Asia, where there has been greater success controlling the virus, the general mask wearing in the community is not N95 use, but rather basic surgical masks coupled with elevated hand hygiene rates.

That’s all- take care and please consider
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