Growing up I puzzled over this a lot
Looking back at OT law there are a lot of rules very specific to the proper worship at the tabernacle/temple. But the morality is the same. Jesus constantly affirms the law and even intensifies certain things like marriage
Like bro, don’t worry you don’t have to make a grain offering to the Lord. Is anybody really concerned about which laws to follow? I think it’s safe to try to obey Jesus if you believe he’s the same God in the OT (this is what Christians believe)
Apostle Peter had a vision from God 3x telling him to “kill and eat” non kosher animals. So just be a Christian
Gods relationship w/his ppl is the reunion of heaven and earth, the healing/restoration of how things ought to be, totally suffused with divinity and love. OT ppl were called by God to participate in bringing this about but they became like other nations who did disgusting stuff
But there was always the opportunity of repentance. God raised up prophets to call the people back to loving God and neighbor and worshiping God with a pure heart and a clean conscience. There was even confession of sins in the OT.
John the Baptist preached repentance. Christ preached repentance. The beginning of the apostles’ preaching was repentance. Peter preached the lordship of Christ and his resurrection to the Jews and accused them of killing him. He spoke to their hearts and called them to repent.
Lots to puzzle over in the Bible but common thread is repentance. Unfortunately has a negative connotation, being related to words like penitentiary and reminds us of punishment. But repentance is really reorientation of your mind/consciousness to the personal ground of reality
When the ark of the covenant came back to Israel from the philistines, the prophet Samuel called the people to return to God “with all your hearts”
David, a man after Christ’s own heart, summed up the point. The point of religious ritual (which is good and God-ordained) isn’t just doing a good ritual, but having a heart receptive to the grace of God
Totally lost my train of thought making this thread lol
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