I received a lot of positive feedback on how I'm delivering my content, so I thought I'd share what I'm doing. Please know that I stand on the shoulders of giants, and have cherry picked a few good ideas from teachers I follow on IG.
I keep everything in a Google Slideshow (even though my kids will be using D2L for work submission). This way I can update it in real time and it's something the kids are very familiar with (I teach grade 10 history)
Every Friday, I am going to send out a Google form updated for the week's work. Think of this as my exit card. What stuff did you complete, what do you understand what did you have trouble with? My plan is to discuss the trouble points in class the following Monday.
With all the info coming from their 4 different teachers, I thought it was important to have a "home base" for our class. I linked all the sites we're going to be accessing with passwords needed.
I saw this idea and recorded the video in Zoom (*we are using Google Meets as a class- but I just recorded MYSELF in zoom because it has the add background feature)
I broke the directions for lessons into three categories: Should, Can, If You Want.
Everything (their 3 hours worth of work) is linked in one slide. They were already an asynchronous class, but this way everything is linked here for them, there's no confusion on which unit folder we're looking in, etc.
Humbled by all the twitter love. If you're part of @ycdsb secondary fam and teach CWS, I've been dumping stuff into the CWS Team Drive (including that Residential School Activity). So go have a look and grab what you want/need.
<whispers> I messed up guys and it's been staring at me for days now. lol My class in the Before Times was a synchronous blended classroom. Okay, please continue with your regularly scheduled programming.
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