"Why are Trump's approval numbers so high?"

1. They aren't. Right now, about 46% of Americans approve of the President. In the wake of 9/11, George W. Bush's approval rating peaked at 92%(!). Two years later, he was still polling in the 60% range. Trump has never broken 47%.
2. So far the virus has hit cities hardest. That's where Dems live. We haven't seen the same level of infection and death in rural areas. Unfortunately, we will. When Trump's base starts losing loved ones in big numbers, you're going see his numbers move.
3. The Bubble. Trump's base gets its news from outlets that act as his propagandists. In that echo chamber, he's doing an amazing job, owning the libs, shaming rude reporters and giving out free money. Again, that illusion will start to crumble when the faithful start dying.
Right now, the best thing we can do is to remove ourselves from the daily outrage cycle and focus on compassion for the sick, even when we disagree (and even when they don't show the same compassion). Because political affiliation is going to matter less and less as this goes on.
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