OK HERE'S MY EASY BREAD MAKING THREAD❗❗read if ur bored or if u wanna try making bread during quarantine i'm doing this step by step
you will need:
- 5 cups of flour
- 1 tablespoon active dry yeast (1 packet of the yeast i use = 1 tablespoon but urs might vary)
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 2 cups warm water
- boiling water (for later!)

ok let's get into it ❗❗
So this is just me but i like to separate my ingredients, i put my flour, salt, and sugar in one bowl and my active dry yeast in a slightly larger one. Pour the warm water in the bowl with the yeast, stir until the yeast until it dissolves, then dump ur flour mixture in that bowl
ok cool time to make the dough! Stir until dough forms (mine hasn't yet obviously lmao), it's gonna take some arm work but u can do it!
if ur dough looks like this feel free to add a little more flour as u go! dough must pull away from the sides of the bowl and be a little firm, dw I'll show u what i mean
starting to form up a little more, this goes without say but at this point make sure u have clean hands (u should've washed them at the beginning anyways) and starting mixing with ur hands. if ur dough is dry and falling apart, add a little more water. if it's too wet, add flour
since my dough is just abt right it's time to flour a surface (i use a cutting board) and start kneading!
the whole point of this is to get all the air bubbles out, so ig copy what im doing w ur hands and knead with ur the heel of ur palms. make sure to turn the dough over + fold it every so often to make sure ur getting it all
transfer your dough to your bowl once you're finished. punch out any remaining air bubbles and cover with a damp towel. store in a warm place and let rise for an hour and a half OR two hours. i'm going to play aot 2 in the meantime and i'll check back in a little bit❗❗
now that ur dough has risen, press the top with ur knuckles and transfer to a floured surface. preheat ur oven to 400 degrees and boil a pot of water.
split dough into two and shape into two loaves. i like to cut 3 slits into mine for the aesthetic and brush an egg wash onto it. it looks like bread from skyrim if u need a frame of reference
about the boiled water: have a roasting pan of some type on hand. this will go on the rack below your bread in the oven. the water makes the oven slightly humid and helps bake a light, golden brown crust. without boiled water your crust might be thick and hard to bite into
ok with the bread + water in the oven bake for ~40 minutes or until crust is golden brown !! i'll check back when mine are done
these loaves came out kinda ugly this time but bread is bread !! this is the end of the thread, thank u for tuning in ❤❤
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