Would you all like to see the transformation of the Golden Ratio Dog Transport (ie the rv GR mom is embarrassed about)?
Let’s start with the outside. It came with all these lame decals. I hate them. (Rv shown here in Maryland when GR dad picked it up)
They are just stick on vinyl so...I peeled them all off. Now the rv is white. Much better! (Once I figure out what I want, we will probably add some decals of our own)
Now for the inside. It was so brown. So dark and sad. These are the before pics. Sorry it’s a little messy
So I painted basically everything white and also employed some stick on contact paper and such. Here’s the bed area. New bedding to do the white/tan/blue scheme (tan required because there’s unpaintble tan stuff in there)
Most of these surfaced did NOT want to take paint. I’d prep, sand, clean, prime, paint and then I’d nick it and the whole thing would peel off. So I get a bunch of wood print contact paper in my color scheme for the fridge, benches, under cabinets. I really like it!
But what turned out to be my favorite was something I randomly found on Pinterest. You can buy sheets of stick on subway tine and I used this in the kitchen area. It came out great!
Most importantly, it’s hopper approved! There is still clean up and details to do, but it’s mostly done and I feel way better about it. The End.
(Ugh sorry for all the typos in this thread. Editing just just beyond my brain’s abilities these days 💛)
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