Gunfight training

1)Ok here's some advice from a career Infantryman

Single well aimed shots kill the enemy in gunfights

Bursts of full automatic generally don't hit anything and are use to keep the enemies heads down until you can maneuver one of your guys onto a flank to kill
2)..with a single well aimed shot.

This is not what Hollywood tells you. It tells you to just blast away all your ammo as fast as possible in the general direction of the bad guys and you will kill them all.

This is bullshit.

You won't hit anybody unless you totally fluke it..
3)..and worst of all the enemy will be listening to you blast away and when your magazine is empty they will charge you and kill you easily.

In combat you die changing magazines unless you have another guy covering for you.

So you want to keep them to a minimum.

We have a ...
4)..saying In Infantry.

"You fight the way you train"

What this means is in a gunfight when you are under pressure you always fall back onto the training you do over and over to prepare for it.

If you practice rapid instinctive well aimed single shots at close quarters then...
5)..that is what you will do in a real gunfight.

Remember the guy in the Texas Church who took out the gunman.

1 shot. 1 kill. Head shot.

Because that's all he does to train. Over and over again.

Do not allow yourself to develop bad habits by just blasting away your ...
6)..ammo in unrealistic ways for fun. If you had to fight in a boxing match. You would never practice karate kicks.

Treat your weapons training like it's preparation to save your kids life.

You will not regret it.

Don't treat it like you are a cowboy I a John Wayne movie...
7)..because if you do if you ever find yourself in the real thing you will fall back on that cowboy shit and someone trained will kill you very very easily

You do not have to follow my advice. I'm not the boss of anybody.

But Infantrymen are professional gunfighters

God bless.
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