Here’s me ranting as a premed on applying to medical school in the US: 1) Why is it $179 for the first application, then $40 for each additional school you apply to? The average applicant applies to 15 programs because most schools because most schools have less than 10%...
Acceptance rates. 10%!! That’s freaking nuts. So if I apply to 15 MD schools ( not including DO programs), that’s $730 schools. ON TOP OF THAT, it’s $40 per school to submit a secondary essay. So let’s say 75% of schools send me a secondary, it’s another $440.
Then, there’s still the interviewing processes. I have to pay out of pocket for all the travel and housing while I go to visit for an interview. This still doesn’t even guarantee I’ll get in.
2) and then we have the medical college admissions test (MCAT). There are literally online courses that charge $3000-$8000 for an MCAT course which is outrages. Anyone who isn’t rich only has the option to buy books and attempt to self study. Really putting us at a disadvantage.
The MCAT itself is $315 dollars to take, or $375 if you register “late”. 3) the only fee assistance that’s offered requires BOTH of your parents financial information, even if they don’t provide you with any financial support. This absolutely disadvantages students from
Applying if their parents can’t afford to help them, yet medical schools talk sooooo much about how they want people from “diverse backgrounds”, yet don’t even offer financial support for them or waive fees. Statistically, those from underrepresented backgrounds
Come from lower socioeconomic statuses, but I guess that doesn’t matter. Anyways, sorry about this rant I’m just a bit upset that I’ll have to probably take out more loans just to apply to medical school, even though there’s such a shortage of physicians in this country.
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