Dr. Drew is a snake oil salesman. Really terrible stuff here. What a disgrace.
2. @DroopsDr put together a longer compilation of Dr. Drew/Coronavirus clips.

Well guess what he did...he had the compilation taken down based on his copyright. Does he have the right, of course.

But what are you trying to hide @drdrew?
3. @drdrew has posted a series of periscopes on his Twitter feed apparently explaining why he took the approach he did re the Coronavirus.

Full disclosure, I'm just starting to watch them but didn't want to wait to point out that he's said something about this.
4. In one of the periscopes he has posted on his Twitter account, @drdrew says he has volunteered to help on the frontlines and said "I am expressing my deepest apologies for getting it wrong."
5. Looks like @drdrew is threatening people who quote tweet/retweet me.

“Infringing copywrite laws is a crime. Hang onto your retweets. Or erase to be safe.”
6. Someone tell @drdrew what the Streisand effect is...
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