dude fuck that narrative they are pushing to try and take away our right to OUR bodies. I will NEVER get a vaccine. You can’t force ppl to put things in their body they don’t want. THAT IS FUCKING RAPE. https://twitter.com/blentgirl/status/1246470522952654848
And everyone who is arguing for us to get the vaccine, you are participating in the rape of billions of ppl. Be aware of the ripple effects of your actions and the words you spread. Id rather die than force someone to put something in their body they don’t want.
I WILL NEVER BEAR THAT MARK ON MY SOUL. At least I will go to the afterlife with profound clarity that I didn’t take away ppl’s freewill so I could live. I’ve got way too much faith to ever let them trick me like that.
Ppl who are afraid of death are so easily tricked into hurting others so they can live. And I can’t think of anything more selfish.
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