So I was asked to do a weight loss thread about how I went from Exhibit A to Exhibit B so quickly. Here goes nothing…
First off I would like to admit I’m not the type to work out so I cannot say 100% that working out did this for me. This was diet, attitude, and standing/walking all day at my job. But I work out every now and then.
Starts with diet. Cut out soda, coffee, energy drinks. The easiest way to do this is limit yourself to one unhealthy drink per day and eventually go to 3 per week. (On occasions where I desperately need any of these I make exceptions. BUT everything in moderation is okay)
I started a 30 day healthy living diet which is a fantastic diet for anyone and for people with IBS, acid reflux, lactose intolerance (all of which I have) and many more heath related issues.
It’s 2 protein shakes (you can use any over the counter the protein powder of the flavor you like), detox tea/cleanse, (i used this combo ( ) and a lot of water. All of these work together to clean out your body and effectively start weight loss.
You also have to include 1 healthy meal a day. I normally get a grilled chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A since I work at the mall or a salad from home as my other option.
You can research low calorie/protein rich recipes on Pinterest. That’s how I got my start with healthier cooking but since I work a lot that’s not typically realistic for me anymore.
DRINK LOTS OF WATER. Not only does this help your body but it helps your skin. I drink at least 64 oz a day. That’s 4 water bottles for people who need a visual. This regulates water weight and won’t make you look insanely bloated like you get if you’re dehydrated.
Try not to eat after 8-9 pm of that is possible for you. Especially fattier foods. When you go to bed your body stores whatever food you ate for when you’re asleep at night. Eating healthier snacks if you’re hungry could save yourself from storing bad foods in your system.
Attitude is key. You can’t keep a bad attitude about your health. There are times I look at KitKats in CVS and my mouth waters so I get one. One thing won’t kill you. Just don’t make it 10 a day or even a week. As long as you believe you can do it, I promise you will get there.
The first people to notice it are people who are around you a lot and eventually you’ll hear “did you lose weight?” From a bunch of people. It’s the little things that will make a difference. Any other questions feel free to DM me!
OMG I FORGOT ONE OF MY RULES: NEVER EVER focus solely on weight. Your weight fluctuates so often, your height matters, and your bones play a huge part in your weight. Focus on how you look and feel. That is what truly matters.

• don't drink your calories (soda, coffee, etc.)

• 2 protein shakes a day (any flavor you like)

• detox tea/cleanse (this one )

• WATER WATER WATER (at least 64 ounces a day)

• healthy food (use Pinterest for recipes)

• positive attitude
i'll keep adding to this thread if i think of anything else but was this helpful?
OMG MY DMS ARE ALREADY FLOODED!!!🙉It's going to be so hard to answer each of you personally, SORRY! There's two questions i'm getting over and over and over so i'm just going to answer them here for ya'll...
Q: What was your biggest motivation?

A: For me it was to look and feel great in my clothes, i love fashion but i was always disgusted with how things fit. When you're thinner everything just looks better. Sorry if this seems really superficial but that's what motivated me most.
Q: What detox tea/cleanse did you use?

A: The exact combo i put in the thread, it's the only one that worked for me and i trust. You can still get a trial from this article  i thinkkkkkk but they will prob sell out fast this time of year so hurry!
I mean this when I say it! I sincerely want to help as many people as possible, im trying to get back to everyone who is dming me!
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