I don't work for anyone, and I resent being called a "cheerleader" for baring the face of my trauma to the world in the hopes that abusive companies will be held accountable. https://twitter.com/themayamorena/status/1246396243229753345
I don't work for Exodus Cry, and I'm a little nervous about saying this when they've been so supportive to me, but I have many issues with them as an organization.
I'm Agnostic Jewish. I'm a liberal democrat, pro-choice, LGBTQ+, and I don't hate sex workers.
It makes me very uncomfortable that so many people supporting me are far-right Trump supporters and Christian fundamentalists. If you go through my hidden replies, you can see that I do my best to shut them down when they comment on my posts.
I get that its a bad look for survivors to be backed up by an org like Exodus Cry. But you don't know the backstory, so don't act like you understand what's going on here. I'm just a teenager trying to do my best in the face of an unbelievably shitty situation. Cut me some slack.
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