My take on Frost: Her AA / A2A game is crazy. Her range all around is godly. Except her standing buttons. Which is cool b/c her S1, D3, S3, S4 are all really good AA tools. J1 is godlike on a jump read b/c it hits diagonal, j2 is good as a jump reaction b/c it hits horizontal ...
Her ground game is Exceptional b/c of the range of her d-buttons, but she suffers from long startup (11f-19f) and long recovery on whiff. Almost all of her noteworthy strings have fb gaps (or are exploitable)
but can be covered by S-blades (df2). She’s very variation dependent...
Her damage sucks in V1 outside of the corner, but her setplay is god-tier and makes up for it once you get started, mid screen or in the corner. V1 is only as good as the player who’s using it. Can be godlike or god-awful. Most are god-awful lol.
V2 Frost is the zoner of the 3. Can turtle behind shield but can also use the shield rather gimmicky in close-range. Db4 is very punishable and makes them character very hit-confirm heavy. Block low and she’s pretty terrible in this variation. Get hit and she’s pretty okay.
V3 Frost is probably her best (I stand by V1 in the grand scheme) if you go by player vote. Her Ice Augers are godly at pressuring opponents at a 2-3 distance that makes Frost rather hard to punish. Ice Augers is a high but has an fb gab (Amp) and can be ducked on most strings.
V3 Frost also has an aerial dive/slide that can punish from full screen and can be abused by jumping back annoyingly. Only safe (-7) if she slides. Otherwise, punishable. Hits mid from the sky and is (-15 iirc).
V3 Frost also has a buff that no one has found reliably useful but could potentially make her more scary if she isn’t hit or grabbed in time to offset the buff.
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