Let’s CRUSH THE CURVE. "The aim is not to flatten the curve," said Dr. Harvey Fineberg, "The goal is to crush the curve." Fineberg argues we can defeat #COVID19 in just 10 weeks if we take a "concerted and determined" approach. Who is this Dr Fineberg? ... https://www.livescience.com/can-covid-19-be-crushed.html
2) Dr Harvey Fineberg is the former President of the National Academy of Science, former Provost of Harvard, and former dean of @HarvardChanSPH. He goes on... "I think we're thinking too defensively about what we should and could do against the coronavirus” #COVID19 ...
3) “If it is a war, and I believe that's a proper metaphor, then we should fight it like a war. That means we should fight to win to vanquish the foe, not to let it persist and hassle us for an indefinite period." #COVID19
4) Fineberg outlines six steps the country should take to accomplish this goal.
📌First, Trump should appoint a commander in charge of #COVID19 response. not a "coordinator," but rather someone who has authority "to mobilize every civilian & military asset needed to win the war”
5) Each governor should also appoint a commander with similar authority at the state level. "If we don't have a unified command structure with that person in charge who can help guide and make the strategic choices, then I think we can't execute successfully," #COVID19
6) 📌Second, America needs to carry out millions of diagnostic tests in the next 2 weeks. Such a strategy was successfully used in South Korea to contain #COVID19. Then "trace the scope of the outbreak". "Testing is our form of intelligence" in the military sense.
7) 📌Third, all health care workers should have access to ample supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE), Fineberg said. "We wouldn't send soldiers into battle without ballistic vests; health workers on the front lines of this war deserve no less." #COVID19
8) 📌Next, the population should be divided into five groups These include:
📍those infected with #COVID19
📍those presumed to be infected based on symptoms
📍those exposed to someone
📍those who are not known to have been exposed to or infected
📍those who recovered
9) People in first 2 groups can be hospitalized —if very sick —or placed in "infirmaries" (such as converted convention centers) if they have mild to moderate disease. People who have been exposed to #COVID19, but don't yet show symptoms, may be quarantined in hotels for 2 weeks.
10) 📌Finally, those who have recovered from #COVID19, and are, in theory, immune, may be able to go back to work. This category, which would require the use of antibody-based tests to identify, "would be a game-changer in restarting parts of the economy more quickly and safely,"
11) Researchers in Germany have already started a large study to find out how many people in the country are immune to #COVID19, which could allow officials to issue "immunity passes" to allow people to return to work, The Guardian reported.
12) 📌Fifth, intense efforts should be made to "mobilize the public" in fight against coronavirus. "Everyone has a part to play and virtually everyone is willing," eg, U.S. postal service and other delivery companies could deliver surgical masks to every American. #COVID19
13) If everyone wears a mask, people who are infected but don't yet show symptoms would be less likely to spread the disease!!! 😷 #COVID19 #Masks4All
14) And 📌sixth, researchers should continue fundamental, "real-time" research into #COVID19 to examine questions such as who is at higher risk of death from the disease and whether those who haven't yet caught the virus could safely return to work under certain conditions.
15) It will also be critical to learn from our experiences in real time — for example, when we start to open up parts of the economy in different parts of the country — and adjust responses accordingly.
16) "Different communities will be at different stages of success and readiness," Fineberg said. We can see how well and safely certain strategies are working and then "crank it up more widely throughout the country." #COVID19
17) Personal footnote: Harvey Fineberg is one of the greatest thought leaders ever. His NEJM piece sets the right tone and war posture against #COVID19. Enough flatten the curve. Let’s CRUSH THE CURVE #CrushTheCurve. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2007263
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