đź—Ł I will have kids when I'm ready, NOT when society tells me to!

Ive read so many complains where parents are unhappy having their kids at home when they're WFH.

Not only that, they aren't capable of revising anything with their child, leaving it to the poor teachers.
Teachers are there to educate your children, yes. But it's NOT their job to take care of your child. It's your child for goodness sake!

I cant handle all the complains these poor teachers receive. They don't deserve it man.

Im so damn pissed 🤬
I can NEVER understand why some parents dislike having their children around at home. They see it like a burden. I mean... why?

You choose to have them no? It's your responsibility, no?

I guess i can never understood why because im a victim myself lol
I'll makesure that i'll have kids when im ready. When i know they'll be a blessing in my life, i'd love them to death and i'd giving anything in this world to them.

They'll be the happiest kids filled with tremendous love.
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