Thought of the day: I've seen a couple of well meaning but clueless white people say that covid-19 is the great equalizer. That couldn't be further from the truth. This virus is amplifying existing inequalities between Black & white communities.
Things that you have heard me rant about a million times (redlining, access to health care, food deserts, education, acess to housing, police interactions, distrust of government, segregation, prison piplines) don't just magically disappear with #COVID19
My neighborhood is being hit especially hard by this virus. #EastNewYork BK has the 4th highest neighborhood infection rate in the entire city. Right now It's just my grim hypothesis but when the dust settles deaths from this virus are going to be much higher in Black communities
The only place that is tracking infection rates by race is Milwaukee and this is already happening.
And I haven't even touched on how the economic impact of covid-19 is gonna disproportionately affect Black communities #COVID19
Long story short white supremacy is baked into every aspect of American society.
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