1/ Hey Twitter. Sappy cat post to following! šŸ˜»

This is Severus. I got him in Sutherland Springs on the one year anniversary of the mass shooting.

A woman I wrote about there was moving away (the memories were too painful) and she needed to find homes for two stray kittens.
2/ Severus helped me get through a lot this year: a big move and new job, the death of my beloved Angus and more.

He and his brother Domino have been my saving graces during the pandemic. Iā€™m single and live alone, and having them to pet and cuddle has kept me sane(ish).
3/ Then last week, when I was off on assignment in Dallas, both of the cats got out of my apartment and weā€™re lost.

My friend @andreeball found Domino pretty quickly. But, for hours, Severus was nowhere to be found. Finally five minutes before I got back home, Andrea found him
4/ Severus was pretty banged up. Heā€™d climbed inside a car engine at my apt complex and ended up halfway across town.

Luckily a woman who heard him crying under the car alerted the driver, who brought him back to the complex, figuring he was one of the strays that hang around.
5/ Itā€™s pretty incredible Severus ended up back at my complex ā€” and even more incredible @andreeball was at the right place at the Wright time to hear him crying.
But heā€™d been holding on to something hot under the car. He basically burned his paw pads right off.
6/ Severus got a long, painful recoverable ahead but I am so glad he is back at home with me.
Heā€™s gotten even more needy and clingy since his ā€œadventureā€ and insists on being as close as he can at all times, especially at night, when he wants to cuddle right next to me in bed.
7/ Severus is still having trouble with basic stuff, like walking and standing up. Just now, he rolled right off a chair and couldnā€™t break his fall like normal.
Iā€™ve also had to start using this weird new litter called ā€œYesterdayā€™s News.ā€ He hates it. Very apropos.
8/8 So why am I tweeting all this? Itā€™s been yet another scary, tiring week.

But this morning, at 4am, when Severus was snuggled into the crook of my arm, I heard him purr for the first time since getting hurt.

It meant a lot. But I guess the little things do these days. šŸ–¤
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