On this auspicious day, celebrated as the Ashram New Year, the foundation of the Mother and #SriAurobindo's future work was laid..

Let us take a look at some of Their words on the Adverse Forces that have always been working against the Divine mission https://twitter.com/Auro_Mere/status/1113798113880432640
1) On What are these Hostile Forces

"The Anarchs of the formless depths arose,
Great Titan beings and demoniac powers,
World-egos racked with lust and thought and will,
Vast minds and lives without a spirit within.."
Book 2, Canto 8, #Savitri
1.1) The Hostile forces and the supraphysical beings that embody them (from #SriAurobindo's "The Life Divine")
1.2) The Nature of these forces and beings (from #SriAurobindo's letters)
1.3) The Resulting hostile formations (from the Mother's conversations)
2) On their Origin and Raison d'être

"Then in a fatal and stupendous hour
Something that sprang from the stark Inconscient’s sleep
Unwillingly begotten by the mute Void,
Lifted its ominous head against the stars.."
Book 2, Canto 8, #Savitri
2.1) The Creation of the Hostiles (from #SriAurobindo's letters)
2.2) The Function of the Hostiles (from #SriAurobindo's letters)
2.3) The Justification of the continued existence of the Hostiles (from the Mother's conversations)
3) The Hostile Forces in Indian Tradition

"Her wide blank eyes wondering at Time and Form,
Stared at the inventions of the living Void
And the Abyss whence our beginnings rose.."
Book 2, Canto 7, #Savitri
3.1) In the Veda (from #SriAurobindo's "The Secret of the Veda")
3.2) In the Upanishads (from #SriAurobindo's commentaries on Isha Upanishad)
3.3) In the Great Epics - Ramayana & Mahabharata (from #SriAurobindo's "Essays on the Gita")
3.4) In the Puranas (from #SriAurobindo's conversations)
3.5) In the Tantra and later Vedanta (from #SriAurobindo's conversations)
4) The Hostile Forces in World Traditions

"As from a womb obscure he saw emerge
The body and visage of a dark Unseen
Hidden behind the fair outsides of life.
Its dangerous commerce is our suffering’s cause.."
Book 2, Canto 7, #Savitri
4.1) In Ancient Pagan World (from #SriAurobindo's letters)
4.2) In Abrahamic tradition (from #SriAurobindo's conversations)
4.3) In Modern Spiritualism (from #SriAurobindo's conversations)
5) On the Hostile Forces on Mental planes

"A hostile and perverting Mind at work
In every corner ensconced of conscious life
Corrupted Truth with her own formulas.."
Book 2, Canto 7, #Savitri
5.1) Asuras and Asuric Prakriti (from #SriAurobindo's letters and "Essays on the Gita")
5.2) Different Kinds of Asuras (from #SriAurobindo's letters)
5.3) Hostile Influences throughout the mental range (from Mother's conversations)
6) On the Hostile Forces on Vital planes

"The self of life yields up its instruments
To Titan and demoniac agencies
That aggrandise earth-nature and disframe.."
Book 2, Canto 8, #Savitri
6.1) The Rakshasas, Pishachas, Pramathas (from #SriAurobindo's letters and evening talks)
6.2) The Rakshasic Nature (from #SriAurobindo's writings & evening talks)
6.3) Their Way of Dealing with Humans (From #SriAurobindo's and the Mother's conversations)
7) On the Hostile Forces on Physical planes

"The body a field of torment, a massed unease;
Repose was a waiting between pang and pang.
This was the law of things none dreamed to change.."
Book 2, Canto 8, #Savitri
7.1) The Elementals or Bhutas (from #SriAurobindo's conversations)
7.2) The Origin of Diseases (from #SriAurobindo's letters and The Mother's conversations)
7.3) On Microbes/Germs (from The Mother's Agenda and Playground conversations)
8) On the Adverse Forces & Falsehoods - Politics & Governance

"An insolence reigned of cold stone-hearted strength
Mighty, obeyed, approved by the Titan’s law,.."
Book 2, Canto 7, #Savitri
8.1) The Ignorant Political Ideas (from #SriAurobindo's evening talks)
8.2) The Hidden Compulsions in Politics (from Mother's Writings and Conversations)
8.3) The Ashram and Politics (From #SriAurobindo and Mother's declarations)
9) On the Adverse Forces & Falsehoods - Economics & Finance

"It soothed its hunger with a plunderer’s dream;
Flaunting its cross of servitude like a crown.."
Book 2, Canto 7, #Savitri
9.1) The Money force under Asuric Influence (from #SriAurobindo's "The Mother")
9.2) The Financial bondage & the Difficulty of Transformation (from The Mother's Conversations)
9.3) Wrong Use of Money Force (from The Mother's Messages & Conversations)
10) On the Adverse Forces & Falsehoods - Education & Culture

"All were deceived or served their own deceit;
Truth in that stifling atmosphere could not live.."
Book 2, Canto 7, #Savitri
10.1) The Modern Barbarism (from #SriAurobindo's Arya Writings)
10.2) Utilitarianism in Education (from the Mother's correspondence)
10.3) The Vulgarisation, and the Preoccupation with Sex (from the Mother's wirtings and correspondence)
11) On the Adverse Forces & Falsehoods - Arts & Media

"All that is low and sordid-thoughted, base,
All that is drab and poor and miserable,
Breathed in a lax content its natural air.."
Book 2, Canto 7, #Savitri
11.1) Ugliness of the Modern Arts (from the Mother's conversations)
11.2) The Limitations of Cinema (from the Mother's Playground conversations)
11.3) The Limitations of Other Media (from the Mother's conversations and writings)
12) On the Adverse Forces & Falsehoods - Science & Technology

"And reason’s pragmatic grope or abstract sight,
Or the technique of a brief hour’s success
She teaches, an usher in utility’s school.."
Book 10, Canto 3, #Savitri
12.1) Neither The Knowledge Nor The Mastery (from the Mother's play "The Great Secret)
12.2) The Focus on Externalities in All Branches (from #SriAurobindo's Arya writings and letters)
12.3) The Pursuit of Happiness through Technology (from #SriAurobindo's Arya writings)
13) On the Adverse Forces & Falsehoods - Cults & Religions

"Amid her clashing creeds and warring sects
Religion sat upon a blood-stained throne.
A hundred tyrannies oppressed and slew
And founded unity upon fraud and force..."
Book 2, Canto 7, #Savitri
13.1) Limitations of Organised Religion (from #SriAurobindo's Arya writings and Mother's Agenda Conversations)
13.2) Religious Fanaticism (From #SriAurobindo's letters and Arya writings)
13.3) Mistaking Vital Beings as Supreme Gods (From Mother's Conversations)
14) On the Adverse Forces & Falsehoods - International Relations

"It was a world of battle and surprise.
All who were there lived for themselves alone;
All warred against all, but with a common hate
Turned on the mind that sought some higher good.."
Book 2, Canto 7, #Savitri
14.1) The Peril of a World state (from #SriAurobindo's Arya writings)
14.2) The Clashes Due to Imperialistic tendencies (from #SriAurobindo's Arya writings)
14.3) The Falsehood behind War and Diplomacy (from #SriAurobindo's Arya writings and Mother's messages)
15) On the Adverse Forces & Falsehoods - India

"A shadow fell across the simple Ray:
Obscured was the Truth-light in the cavern heart
That burns unwitnessed in the altar crypt.."
Book 2, Canto 8, #Savitri
15.1) Tamas and Non-Recognition of Swadharma (From #SriAurobindo's writings and conversations)
15.2) The Division of India (from #SriAurobindo and Mother's conversation and messages)
15.3) The Lack of Sincerity (from the Mother's messages)
16) On How Adverse Forces Impact Individual Sadhana

"He armed untruth with Scripture and the Law;
He deceived with wisdom, with virtue slew the soul
And led to perdition by the heavenward path.."
Book 2, Canto7, #Savitri
16.1) Hostile Attacks through Suggestions and Human Instruments (from #SriAurobindo's letters)
16.2) Their Methods of Delaying Progress (from #SriAurobindo's letters and Mother's messages)
16.3) Accidents, Possession, Madness (from #SriAurobindo's letters)
17) On How to Deal with Adverse Forces in Sadhana

"In a world where neither hope nor joy could come
The ordeal he suffered of evil’s absolute reign,
Yet kept intact his spirit’s radiant truth.."
Book 2, Canto 8, #Saviti
17.1) No Fear and Anxiety (from #SriAurobindo's letters and Mother's messages)
17.2) Detachment, Courageous Rejection and Faith (from #SriAurobindo's letters and Mother's messages)
17.3) Sincerity (from #SriAurobindo's letters and Mother's messages)
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