⚠️Here we go. California-style voter fraud is about to go national. THIS is why Democrats are spiking COVID-19 stories about mass graves and infant deaths. They want to have Presidential MAIL-IN election where they can dump truck loads of fake ballots into polling stations. https://twitter.com/speakerpelosi/status/1246203557772230659
Look at the coordination: they’re ramping up the campaign. Here, the argument goes, ALL communities with heavy “black or brown” populations must be converted to MAIL-IN voting stations because they’re “most affected”. https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1246099949080764416?s=21
Democrats are ramping up to leverage a global pandemic made by their Chinese CCP overlords to commit the largest voter fraud scheme in the history of the United States ... to obtain POWER over you. Be afraid. Be very VERY afraid if they succeed.
Again they’re trying to box Trump in: spike virus stories to gin up as much panic as possible. This gives support to the MAIL-IN election scheme, since nobody wants to go to a crowded polling station and have a 2-5% chance of dying.
Pressure Trump to support a mail in election, and since they know he won’t agree to it, kill as many Americans as possible and advertise to 1) make sure Trump rallies can’t happen (they were a devastating visual reminder of the energy Trump supporters have, where they have none),
2) generate as much fear as possible so “polls” will support Democrat’s mail-in election scheme and Democrats can claim Americans are demanding it to “be safe”, “The presidents job is to keep Americans SAFE isn’t it? ISNT IT???” they’ll scream in unison, and 3) the “Commission”
they’ve created will try to find problems on the Trump admin response to be able to hold up as “AHA!!” examples of how the “TrumpVirus” killed your neighbor, attempting to redirect anger away from China and toward ms Trump
These people are truly monsters. “Evil and without conscience” doesn’t begin to describe this scheme. If they succeed in committing fraud on this scale and making national mail-in elections a reality, they WILL win & they’ll enshrine it as law as one of their first acts in power
It finally all makes sense to me. The fact that they were able to turn a global pandemic into a fraud scheme to obtain power is all you need to know about these people. They are to be feared, and must NEVER be allowed to obtain the Presidency again. Never. God help us if they do
The argument apparently is Trump is against it because he’s a racist trying to suppress the minority vote.
It wouldn’t shock me if we find out one day a Democrat operative with a vile of COVID-19 was going around minority communities spreading it on purpose.
Dr. Fauci in 2017: President Trump Will Be Challenged By a "Surprise Global Disease Outbreak"
4 years earlier....
I just have to wonder now: did DEMOCRATS facilitate a release of the COVID-19 virus in Wuhan, China for this purpose???
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