My 13yo came into the kitchen as I was muttering to myself while sewing a mask this morning. 1/
I told him, “if, when you are an old man, some future historian asks you about what it was like during the COVID-19 pandemic, do NOT spin some wholesome tale about me sewing this ridiculous thing.” 2/
Tell them I was muttering and cursing, furious that our president messed up the response so badly that it came to this. 3/
And that I wanted to spend my time organizing to fight the virus’s societal effects and to defeat Trump. 4/
Spending our time and energy sewing these things because Trump couldn’t be bothered to take appropriate steps soon enough on mask, test, and ventilator production is infuriating. 5/
And, yes, I will sew them for our family, and we will use them for the limited medical and social value they create. 6/
But do not glorify this homemade mask making as a modern-day victory garden effort or whatever. I am angry as all @#@$& at sewing this crap and I will hate Trump and the destruction he has wrought to the end of my days. End
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