Please share this if you have Malaysian friends

Also – please read it if you see business opportunities that sound too good to be true.


My response to the below scheme – I expect these guys to be in jail within 12-24 months.

Why did I say this?
Firstly, they offer to triple your money in 6 months, not only this they say MINIMUM profit is 2.7 times your investment, and max profit is 3.6 times your investment.

So you invest as little as 50 USD, and your total capital and profit turns into 230 USD , that is QUADRUPLING
your initial investment!!!
This is crazy – that should be obvious to everyone, I hope!! MASSIVE CLUE

Next, I asked for their website, I was told they do NOT provide any links to their website, meaning they do not have one. BIG CLUE.
They outline 7 projects where your money is used to earn these profits
1)Gold trading
2)Bitcoin trading
3)IPO on Bursa
4)Selling used car and homes
5)They own a factory for perfumes and printing stickers and business products
6)Forex trading
7)Entrepreneur program
Gold trading – has gold EVER tripled in price in a 3 month period?
Gold did triple in price from $600 to $1,800 from 2007 to 2011, that is FOUR YEARS. So every year, the average growth was around 30% PER YEAR, roughly 15% every 6 months. These guys want to earn 300% in 6 months
– that is TWENTY TIMES the profit compared to the most steep climb in gold price in recent history.

Use your brains – people!

The same applies to all their methods of earning profit – if ANYONE can earn 300% return in 6 months in ANY market – trust me, they will NOT need to
to ask strangers for money – they will be busy becoming millionaires.

And then you expect me to believe such a King (or Queen) would actually agree to tell RANDOM strangers how to do what he / she does? In return for some money?

There are other clues this makes no sense, for example, the majority of their 7 projects involve the financial markets – as far as I know these markets are CLOSED on weekends, so each week has 5 working days, each month has 20 working days.
Look how they calculate your MONTHLY profit:

But they should multiply the daily profit by TWENTY, not THIRTY for these financial markets.
So they are simply adding an extra 50% to these fake profits by making up days that the markets are not even open.
NEXT CLUE, look at what courses and training they offer:

-Agent / networking class – lololol, they promise to quadruple your investment, to give you 300% returns, and the FIRST training they want to give you is how to network !! MORE ON THIS BELOW
-Financial management – what?? It is THEY who promise to give 300% returns, yet they want to train YOU on financial management – hmm

-Motivation - WHAT ????????? Motivation to do what – bring other suckers to this scheme, more below
-BASIC trading – wait wait wait, are THEY going to deliver your profits or will YOU have to do it YOURSELF? If you do it YOURSELF – you think one day BASIC training is going to tell you how to triple your money in 6 months??
-Leadership and Management – I hope you see this is
getting crazy now
-Advance leadership bootcamp – my eyes are bleeding

Next, let’s look what they say about withdrawals:
If you invest 10,000 USD, you can withdraw up to 3,000 per month !! This means after three months, you can withdraw 9,000 USD, that is 90% of your investment! This investment that they say they can TRIPLE in 6 months. This is incredible. This is a clear sign this is a scam.
Let’s look at the language they use to explain withdrawals:

They use nice technical language to sound legitimate, they also use the names of popular banks IN CAPITAL LETTERS to add credibility. These are big clues and they are there to try and fool you and make it sound like a
sound like a professional business. If they work with Maybank and CIMB, they MUST be professional right??

And they charge 10% on all withdrawals lololol so if you want to withdraw USD 1,000, they take USD 100 as a fee – sounds legit to you??
Now, let’s look at how they want YOU to bring in new customers – why else do they train you on networking, leadership, management and motivation – so YOU can convince YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS to join this scheme.


You get commission of course!!
You get 40% referral bonus !! that is impressive, right?

Now, let’s look at the numbers – You refer someone who invests $10k, you get 40% as referral, right? That leaves $6k, and the new investors can STILL withdraw up to $3k per month, meaning $9k in total over 3 months.
BUT the company only has $6k of his money left after paying your commission – where does the company get this extra $3k to fund the withdrawals?
And all this, while claiming to make over 300% profits on the original $10k – do you see the light now?
Let’s look at their model, how they expect you to bring in new customers, and you get commission :
Hmm,, what does this shape look like, maybe a bit like this:

The pic is from here:
Let’s see what the UK Government says about Pyramid schemes:

This is ILLEGAL in the UK.
For you younger hopefuls, read up on Bernie Madoff please:

He operated a $65 BILLION scheme, this is also called a Ponzi Scheme.

Educate yourselves!!
I can go on and on and on
ALL THE CLUES are there, people.

Before I conclude, let me say there is a 1% chance this company is legit – and I am willing to talk and debate with the owners of this firm so they can explain to me, live and recorded, how their scheme is legal and how
and how they really earn profits.
But my gut feeling is this is a real scam

This is (99.9999%) a SCAM.

One day soon, these guys will run away with YOUR money.

In 1-2 years, these guys will be in jail.

You can follow @SafdarAlam.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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