Currency Failure Thread.

It's all over. Fiat is failing. The math is irrefutable. The only issue is timing.

Investing is about probabilities. I believe a key in investing is to try to avoid regret. Regret occurs when you see something and do not act on it. Regret occurs
when you pass up an obvious asymmetrical bet and it works.

In my 42 years of investing I have never seen a bet that is this asymmetric. Never. Allow me to explain. There are $400 Trillion of paper investments in the world. Basically stocks and bonds. Claims on repayment
and ownership in companies. At the same time the entire tradeable gold in the world is equal to $2.4T. There is another $5T in jewelry and CB's own $0.9T. ($1,600/oz). So tradeable gold is 6 tenths of 1 percent of the value of all financial assets. The currency that all those
financial assets are denominated in is failing. Do the math. You can lose 1x. Make reasonable assumptions about how much of the financial assets transfer over into gold. What price of gold accommodates that? There is about $40B of silver in the world. The entire market cap
of Bitcoin is $123B. Not all of them are for sale. Only 21mm will ever exist (actually less due to lost coins).

I would humbly submit that if you do not own Gold, Silver and Bitcoin in the next 5-10 years you are going to feel regret.
Furthermore, I will go out on a limb and predict that Eric Sprott will be the richest man in the world in 10 years. The Winkelvoss twins will be the richest in 20. I will have enough money to work toward my goal of establishing a fair poitical system based upon sound money.
You can follow @LawrenceLepard.
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