Young woman in #DigiFest2020 promotional video says “I cant sing because hormones have messed up my voice." After, another gnc girl is shown singing an original song and you can only imagine the same thing will soon happen to her. Televised abuse.
Parent of 8 year old "Home schooling isn't going well...she could be on Tik Tok for ten hours and I wouldn't know." Asked if doing any art, parent responds "I think Tik Tok counts as arts and crafts" Child described to be arty but replies "not so much anymore." These poor kids.
Moderators are deleting comments mentioning detransitioners and blocking from chat but mods continue to shill their merch both in chat and host in video. Censorship to keep the cash coming #DigiFest2020
No TRA propaganda would be complete without a male calling himself a lesbian. Gaslighting the young women watching who have yet to come out or understand their sexuality.
Adult men promoting pronoun t-shirts you can "wear in your Zoom call" via Twitch #DigiFest2020 childhood transition fundraiser is peak 2020.

Cuts to webcam shots of "service users" (i.e. visibly vulnerable children) in their bedrooms. Make it stop.
Three men, one of which is in full drag, talking about cooking rats. Now encouraging young people watching today struggling with isolation to reach out. I can't think of a worse idea.
Child "service user" who is still on call is asked if there's "anything you would like to ask Divina" Divina (the drag queen) responds: "careful, I'm in my bed. Don't be asking me anything naughty" with a giggle. Completely inappropriate. Grooming live on air.
Adult man shows room on webcam, describes bed "this is where the magic happens." Hopefully the young "service user" is no longer on the call. Still inappropriate for the children watching.
Talk of trans emojis and rainbow badges. Remember actual activism, before the days of corporate virtue signalling?
Jeffrey Marsh is now telling a young person he "loves your voice", that he feels "psychically connected" to them and they were "meant to match" as they do asmr exercises. Disturbing scenes #DigiFest2020
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