Anecdotal, about 3 years ago in January my wife was rushed to hospital she was gravely ill and her blood sats were down to 25%, 24 Hours later a test showed she had Influenza A and Pneumonia in her left lung, quick work a pressure mask to force oxygen into her body and an anti
viral and anti biotic for the Flu and the bacterial Pneumonia, 24 hours later still very poorly she was awake and responding, after 3 days the pressure mask was off and after 6 days with oxygen she was going stir crazy.
What I am saying is that this virus doesnt show symptoms for
the first 4-5 days so is making you ill before you know it and you are a spreader at this time, but if you need help and the drugs and ventilation is available you will probably get through it.
The only real danger is a large spike of cases so no help is available as hospitals
become overwhelmed and this is why we have a lock down to keep ahead of a possible spike and make sure our loved ones outlive us and we live to love them for longer.
Lock down is a royal pain in the arse but stick with it as long as you can, ignore the new world order shit
Because its shit that some fed up people WANT TO BELIEVE and the people who spread it are trully nasty shites indeed, just keep calm and carry on, we are British and all I can say for the Mosques is carry on being stupid the first spike will be Muslim deaths, mostly your elderly
Your Magic Quran Book wont protect you its a printed religeous text and will no more grant you long life then a Harry Potter Trilogy, do your praying at home, what ever your belief it is scientifically safer then going to the boys club.
Live long and prosper folks!!
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