Me: *is showing almost 14-year-old cousin 4U, is showing her the Dah’ren Morhan cutscene*

Me: Cool, isn’t he?

Cousin: *nods her head* Yeah.

Me: In the beginning of the game, you have to fight him naked.

Cousin: *horrified look*

"Naked" meaning "under-clothes"

My first Deviljho was a Frenzied Deviljho that you had to fight in the Seregios post game.

Yeah, let that sink in for a second.

Talk about a trial by fire - er, dragon, I guess.

I actually severed the tail early on. Then he decided I’d make a great snack.

I was actually surprised I didn’t fail the quest.

Haven’t soloed a Deviljho since though, I need to fix that in World some time.
I had an interesting first encounter with Rajang in 4U.

First, he LITERALLY punched me back to the camp, where I was already headed for a nap and wound up stunned and at what looked like 2% health.

Then, he leaped backwards (like he does when trying to avoid attacks) away from my two Palicoes - Ace and Cali - and clipped Kitty's head with his right heel.

"You’ve fainted."

"Rewards decreased to 0."

"No attempts remaining."

"Quest failed."


I did break a horn, which I was impressed by.

Haven’t gone back to fight him since. I should probably do that again sometime.
Frenzied Tigrex was actually the easiest Tigrex I had ever faced.

I also found it weird that they’d have you fight a FRENZIED Tigrex before fighting a NORMAL Tigrex.

I believe I broke all of his parts and I definitely remember severing the tail.

In my hurry to get to Tigrex so I could watch his cutscene, I ran out of stamina climbing the wall.

"It will refill during the cutscene, no worries."

After the cutscene, I pressed the run button, only to realize my stamina had not refilled and I was at the mercy of a hungry...

Turns out my lack of concern for my stamina resulted in me getting trampled by this guy.

He also - in his attempt to get the Popo later on to refill his own stamina - killed 4 Popos and only ate one.

Talk about wasteful, am I right?

I’ve always said that Jeff is my best Palico ever.

That’s actually not true.

In fact, if Jeff hadn’t been my first Palico, and World allowed 2 Palicoes, my Palicoes would’ve been Navirou (or Ace, as I call him) and Cali.

Which would’ve been weird, my GenU hunter with my 4U...

Ace was the Palico you yourself design, Cali was the brave Felyne from the Congalala cutscene.

In every 4U video I’ve ever recorded, it’s always been Ace and Cali as the Palicoes I choose.

Jeff may have been my first Palico ever, but Ace and Cali...
...will always remain close to my heart.


(I ran out of pictures of them)
More pictures of Ace and Cali, along with Cali's replacement Rin for when Cali needs a break.
Another thing I enjoyed was mercilessly farming Gypceros, Zinogre, and Black Gravios for Barroth, Nargacuga, and Lagiacrus parts.

Nargacuga is the only one whose armor I’ve completed, I’m missing the helm to Barroth, and don’t even get me started on Lagiacrus.

Fun fact: I am terrible at High Rank in the older games.

So terrible, in fact, that a hacker who randomly joined my lobby took me on a custom quest where it was a Great Jaggi arena quest with the item box filled with Gold Rathian materials.

I had no idea what a CQ was.

I thought it was legit! How was noob Crown supposed to know? That quest also maxed out my Zenny. I have never been broke since.

Anyways, this armor carried me through offline HR. It was a favorite in Stories

Here it is with a Seregios LS I didn’t know I had.


There was an early fight that still haunts me today: Kecha Wacha

For those if you who don’t know, Kecha Wacha is my favorite Fanged Beast. I also had one named KW (literally stood for Kecha Wacha) on my Stories team.

Slaying Kecha Wacha in 4U is something I can’t do without...
...a broken heart.

This was also the first time I had encountered a member of my Stories team in a mainline Monster Hunter game.

Favorite subspecies in 4U: Ruby Basarios

I was introduced to this beautiful shiny Basarios back in Stories and just knew I needed to meet one on the field of battle.

That battle ended with ore being sprayed in all directions and a successful capture because... was too beautiful to kill.

That has probably been my favorite fight with a subspecies in the history of Monster Hunter, and - at this rate - will be forever.

Me: *is showing cousin Tetsucabra cutscene* See those little monsters? They’re called Jaggi.

Cousin: Cool.

Tetsucabra: *jumps out of water, eats both Jaggi in one bite*

Cousin: *wide eyes*

Me: And this is Tetsucabra. He’s a frog.

Tetsu: *burps in Kitty’s face*
Both of us: *laughing at Kitty’s disgusted reaction*

My four favorite monsters that were introduced with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate:

Kecha Wacha

Brachydios is not my favorite Brute Wyvern. In fact, after killing Uragaan in his intro in World, he actually dropped down to 4th place, but has slowly been working his way back up to 3rd.

4U was the third time I’d encountered Brachy.
And, as it always seems with me, it did not go well.

Guildmarm handed me this urgent quest. "Tell him I love his tail!" she said excitedly. "Actually, leave that part out."

With the prior knowledge that Guildmarm had a thing for Brachy, and with me already down to the last cart
I knew I had to capture him or risk failing the quest.

Guildmarm has several Brachydios plushies in this cutscene. I don’t want to know what she does with them.

But dang are they cute.

A lot of people don’t know this, but Cephadrome is my favorite Piscine Wyvern (thanks, Stories)

He had one of the most intense intros in the game imo (in fact one of the earlier pictures of Kitty in the desert came from this scene)
Nothing was more heart-stopping for me than getting surrounded by Cephalos, and then them just suddenly swimming underground before the big boss Cephadrome himself burst out of the sand for a nice hunter meal.

Needless to say that dinner was canceled.

Kirin is actually my favorite Elder Dragon (again, thanks, Stories)

He was the only Low Rank Elder Dragon that actually gave me a run for my Zenny. His intro in 4U only sealed his magnificence and beauty for me. It was one heck a fight too, I’ll add!
Kirin's horn will break when close to death.

His horn never broke during the urgent quest, so I’m over here having a heart attack fighting with one cart left. He had just carted me the second time when I come back a poke him with my IG.

He immediately dies.

Me: *is telling almost 14-year-old cousin about Dalamadur* You want me to show him to you?

Cousin: *vigorous nodding* Yes, please.

Me: *shows her his cutscene that I uploaded on my channel bc I remember playing Stories at that time on the 3DS*

Cousin: O_O' WHAT-

Zamtrios was actually one heck of a fight. I actually love Zamtrios's fight a lot, and that’s not just bias from him being the only Amphibian in Stories. Zamtrios is definitely one if the most unique battles I’ve ever been in.
The first time you encounter Zamtrios, he’s preying on a group of Palicoes who are trapped at the Frozen Seaway and are about to become his next meal. Kitty and Ace (and also Cali, who is not shown in that cutscene) step in just in time before one becomes cat food.
Then Zamtrios, the monster shark, reveals himself. He’s big, he’s terrifying, he has no eyelids.

Yeah...that’s something I learned in Stories.

The rescued Palicoes think they can take him on. After all, he’s just another meownster, right? Wrong.

Zamtrios roars and gains his... armor (1st enraged stage).

"Heck no," the Palicoes go, running around Kitty and Ace in panic. One runs into Ace and sends him flying into the sky as they flee, leaving Kitty with a hungry Zamtrios.

Eventually after the battle starts, Ace returns and Cali joins to help.
While fighting him, Zamtrios will enter a second stage of enrage - inflating. This stage actually took me a second to realize what was going on, even though I had seen him inflate in Stories in his Kinship Attack.

Good gracious did this really change how the fight went!
Zamtrios now does things like rolling around and slamming into the ground. And the more you hit his inflated belly, the redder it actually turns until he deflates. And usually he’s hungry & pin attacks, & poor Cali (this being her first hunt) was the perfect size for a cat treat.
Eventually, Kitty, Ace, and Cali were successful in slaying the Zamtrios.

The theme of the Frozen Seaway is so beautiful, and Zamtrios is such a fun fight, that when I first started recording hunts, Zamtrios was the first that I did.
Zamtrios is, and will forever be, my favorite Amphibian monster and one of my favorite 4th gen monsters.

The most intimidating intro cutscene for Zinogre came from 4U.

It begins with a scene of his long deadly claws and a flash of lightning before Zinogre heads to the area you start at.
Zinogre proceeds to ambush you and chase you under a ledge, where he sticks his head in to bite at you and a paw to claw at you.

Eventually he gives up and leaves. You roll out from under the ledge.

Big mistake.
Zinogre proceeds to knock the entire wall down separating the two of you to get to you.

And that will always be my most favorite Zinogre intro.

I am going to make one thing clear: I hate Gore Magala.

I loathe him.

I despise him.

He walled me for a little over a month. He walled me so badly I wanted to quit Monster Hunter period.

No amount of grinding for armor and weapons helped.

Kitaro: 0
Gore Magala: infinity ♾
The only good thing I have to say about him is that I learned how to use an Insect Glaive.

That’s it. He’s the hardest flagship I’ve ever encountered and I’m so glad he’s not returning to World in May.

It took lvl 5 Kecha Wacha armor and a Nerscylla IG to best him in the end.
I will never hunt another Gore Magala solo ever again.

Heck, I’ll just never hunt another Gore Magala. Which isn’t really good for GenU's storyline, since there’s a stupid High Rank one that’s a key quest.

I’m actually really glad I never have to fight him on a boat again.
Yeah, you had to fight him on a boat.

In the middle of the sea.

During a storm.

Worst two hours of my life, ended up repelling him with a Charge Blade, which I had never used before. Go figures.

And now to finally end this thread - Shagaru Magala.

This definitely was one of the most memorable hunts for me. It’s amazing he died, not only to a noob, but to a noob wearing level 5 Kecha Wacha armor and a Nerscylla IG (Stealth Glaive +).
This battle was also a reminder to me of why I always carry a Farcaster. I was about to cart when I used it to go back to the camp and sleep in the bed, during my Frenzied status and restoring my health, along with Ace and Cali's health.
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