[Thread] 1/ I downloaded around 22,000 Twitter interactions between today and 1st April. I searched for anyone mentioning the terms "5g" AND "Corona". I was interested after reading about the latest conspiracies that 5g is causing corona, or rather Corona is cover for 5g...
2/ I want to talk about this network graph a little. Essentially for those unfamiliar with these or my threads, the nodes (circles) are Twitter accounts, the lines between the accounts (edges) are interactions, whether tweets, replies, RTs, mentions. Usually a large cluster
3/ like the green and pinks you see mean some is getting retweeted a lot, or replied to a lot. Anyway I just wanted to explain the network a little more. That big p ink cluster is largely people retweeting @wizkhalifa. He tweeted the attached screenshot. I dunno what it means
4/ Other accounts are more interesting. The green cluster is a little more clear. It's called "deep state expose" and, as the name suggests, it loves a good conspiracy. It's run by someone called 'Jeremy Stone', the world's foremost deep state expert
5/ As you can see from below. Jeremy Stone is adamant that 5g is the cause of Corona Virus. I am not quite sure what the logic is, but apparently 5g has been weaponized and is deadly.... Jeremy has a lot of followers (300k), and has even caught the attention of the WashPost
6/ I will wager that the presence of Jeremy Stone's also explains why the most cohesive community in the 19200 or so unique accounts in my sample were pro Trump accounts. Biographical analysis revealed MAGA was the 4th most common term. Trump and 'KAG' were also top 10
7/ What interested me more was this dark green community. I sized the nodes by out degree (e.g. how much were they tweeting about corona and 5g). As you can see, this network, while small, very vocal in discussing 5g and Corona. Let's look at them a little closer... #Corona
8/ A sort of strange collection of Serbian nationalists, right wing christians, and conspiracy theorists. A lot of tweets about chemtrails, antisemitism, and global cabals of lizard people (ok I didn't really see anything on the lizard people). Some of these accounts are
9/ very suspect and spammy. One of the screenshotted accounts has over 200k tweets (and I only checked a few of the accounts). Incidentally one of my favourite new theories was a MAGA account saying Trump was a puppet under Kushner and Adelson. Also the account name...🙃
10/ Of course some of the accounts slurped up in the sample were simply making fun of the Corona and 5g conspiracies, e.g. this one.... Classic Four Lions ref...
11/ Anyway, that's all for now, be worth keeping an eye on this story, and especially this deep state network and the 'dark green' network I mentioned. For more info on corona 5g conspiraces check out this great piece by @isocockerell for @CodaStory https://www.codastory.com/waronscience/coronavirus-has-conspiracy-theorists-and-anti-5g-campaigners-working-overtime/
12/ Just to sum up. A lot of this 5g and corona conspiracy stuff seems to be spread by right wing and often pro-Trump accounts. KAG, WWG1WGA, Qanon and KAG accounts are active in spreading this theory. Remember, a lot of these accounts were also spreading that tweet
13/ shared by a real life candidate for congress Joanne Wright. Remember, this one suggested Corona was man-made, financed by Bill Gates. Adam Schiff, George Soros, Clinton and the Pope were also involved.... #yikes #coronaconspiracies
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