As much as women need to be perceived as intellectuals when they are, the world needs to get with the programme of letting women live as they wish, sex appeal also occupies a role in modern society.

Some women profit legitimately off it. That's why a woman can be...
... An intellectual and still choose to post sexy pictures or videos. It's her body - for a long time, her use of it has been policed by the insecurity of men which aims to make the woman conservative so he can control her.

Posting thirst traps is needed to promote a reality...
... Of freewheeling sexuality as men have done over the years.

However, the posting of thirst traps is a two-way street - one is positive, the other is negative.

The patriarchal society is a bed of confusing perception as regards women. On one hand, men hope to keep women...
... Conservative, but on the other hand, men still wants to limit the women for flaunting their sexuality.

The man wants a woman to be chaste/conservative while still perceiving her as primarily, a sexual object.

It's patriarchy-infused toxic masculinity.
For that reason, while the man is entirely at fault for his faulty perception of the woman, the toxic man is still whom the feminist seeks change of. He's the target market of contemporary feminism.

Thus, while celebrating sexuality in a woman is posting thirst traps...
... It could also lead to the derogation of women in other areas of life where they need to not be perceived as a sexual object.


The world is not at that desired space yet where the mind of the average Nigerian man can understand the dichotomy of a feminity...
.. And how a woman can both be an intellectual and a slay queen who posts thirst traps.

Yes, we can all agree that it's the man's fault for not understanding such dichotomy. But until we achieve that desired truth, reality is still haunting for women. Reality is not Twitter.
As much as it's politically incorrect on social media to tell a woman not to be a sexual being who shares her nudity as she pleases, reality is far less accommodating of what it perceives to be the 'excesses' (like wilful nudity) of femininity.

For that reason...
... And when it matters, wilful nudity could impede the growth of women in the real world.

You know why? The man is birthed on the tenets of patriarchal ego. He is nurtured to think of sexual liberalism and sexuality in women as traits of sluttiness. Sadly, our society...
... Is also largely controlled by men. So, when certain women want make certain professional advancements in life, they get impeded by average patriarchal man who probably feels threatened and/or sees the woman as nothing short of a sexual being.

Again, it's the man's fault.
However, we are not there yet as a society where men understand the dichotomy of femininity.

It's sad, but that's the reality.

Should we then tell women to be more conservative with celebrating their sexuality and sensuality?

That will be counter-productive.
It could draw women back by eons.

So what's a practical solution?

There's none. But from where I stand, I think women should continue representing the dichotomy of femininity in intellect, ambition, professionalism, sexuality, sensuality and more. One day, society will catch up
But for now, any woman who thinks the celebration of feminine sexuality and sensuality with thirst traps is counter-productive for women in the professional world should not be criticized. The reality is that women still face these challenges of patriarchal perception.
That woman should not be silenced because that's her reality. She has a right to rant about it.

Thinking that reality does not exist because a woman rightfully wants to celebrate her own sexuality and sensuality with thirst traps will be insensitive.

We don't always have...
... To agree with each other, but we be sensitive towards each other.

We all lose sight of important things sometimes and unfairly criticize each other, but we can't afford that as a people - especially women.

There is no solution. Every woman just has to live as she deems...
... It fit.

I just hope we always remember that until a future of true egalitarianism - which is hopefully not too far off - becomes a reality, social media truth is not remotely representative of reality in the larger word.
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