My constituents’ panicked response & subsequent wide-spread social media misinterpretation/misinformation is due to @SaintLouCo releasing a math problem of a map rather than simple info. This COULD have easily been the actual #/zip code or stated 1.5 cases/1000. @StLCountyDOH 🤦🏾‍♀️
The most effective way to convey information to the masses is in the most simple form possible. This is especially true in times of uncertainty or crisis. Kudos to @STLCityGov for providing the information called for; @StLCountyDOH, @StLCountyDOH please do a better w/public info
... because our residents are having an easier time accessing their state-level officials, we are having to put out the fires caused by @SaintLouCo miscommunication or lack of/late communication. EVERYONE is working around the clock- but prudent, thoughtful work is needed....
...whereas we are all in this together, “this” will only work when we all are doing our part effectively, efficiently, & w/ fidelity. Many of my constituents have no idea who their county council person is, or heard a peep of reassurance from them...
Simple communication, transparency, and accessibility is what is being called for in @SaintLouCo. I’m just saying- this bare minimum, likely hastily thrown together response to the request for information in the form of a map ain’t it.

Good morning.
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