Why ‘Help Me’ is NU’EST’s (+ W) best title track: a thread
The styling: literally EVERY. member. has their best look in Help Me era? jonghyun’s floofy berry hair and heavy eyeliner. baekho’s midnight blue black. aron’s golden curly angel hair. and don’t... don’t even get me started on lilac fairy prince ren because y’all KNOW-
THESE teaser photos. enough said.
The aesthetics: the sets, the shots, the beautiful scenery and PRODUCTION value of this MV... it’s literally so gorgeous, everything from the dark cityscape to the silhouetted red soundstage, to the return of the stairs to nowhere. BEAUTIFUL.
The musicality: the song itself uses so many different musical techniques. the morse code intro leading into the opening, the buildup to that EXPLOSIVE 1st chorus (i literally screamed when i first heard it) plus one of the most beautiful bridges in kpop... baekho legend producer
The live stages: the S T Y L I N G. they looked so expensive??? ren’s red silk shirt, aron’s gloves, jonghyun’s cropped jacket, the LOOKS they served i still die to this day
The reactions: every non-LOVE being obsessed and converted by the members at award shows, mainly due to #purplehairguy 😂 + every youtube reactioner losing their shit over our visual group
in summary: Help Me best cb, best era, i need it ot5 with minhyun and i hope the new cb is Help Me 2.0 because i MISS. IT.

stan talent stan @NUESTNEWS #NUEST
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