To avoid any misunderstanding : I'm not saying this in a sarcastic way. I'm alive and I will stay as long as I can.
I realized there were so many things I had and I still have to do, so many mountains I have to climb.
Yk, one hour after taking a bunch of pills, I had decided to call the emergency. And lately I couldn't even tell why i did that. But finally it's simpler than simple : I prefer to fight, again n again instead of dying w/o doing anything
Now I will stay alive, cuz I can't think that I'm here for literally nothing as i used to before ; I'm alive cuz I chose to live
And even if it will be hard, even if there'll still be that voice in my mind that will try to pull me beyond my boundaries, I'm worth it
Ik that maybe I will never be joyful anymore, that maybe I'll stay as I am and as I was for the 2 latest years, but I wanna try
I take this one personally
I'm gonna do everything and anything to have a bright future, and, just, to be myself ?
I started to do some efforts on that (more than before) and I swear sometimes when that voice in my mind goes like "look at that mistake u just did oof" it's so soothing to just think "so what ?"
Anyway, I still have a lot of things to say but I don't wanna talk for hours
I'm not gonna delete this thread, nor the one I made before attempting suicide, as I used to do before, each time I wrote smth abt how I feel
Cuz I don't care, who's gonna blame me ?
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