Virtual Grand National story.

Old fella by ours (about 70 odd) lives on his own and has been stuck in the house for weeks with no immediate family near by. He's been climbing the walls. The reason being is his day to day life is based around sport, the betting shop and the pub.
I've just seen him wondering through our street and he was itching to talk. Obviously kept my distance and asked how he was and if he needed anything etc..
He said "I'm struggling at home, there's nothing on but the virus news. I miss my life, I want it back. My footy, my horses.
I asked him if he was having a bet on the Virtual Grand National today.
"I've been so looking forward to this all week, I can't wait.
"I've not got the app thingie so I've rang the granddaughter and asked her to put them on for me.
"I can't wait for it. I miss it so much.
So for anyone having a sneer at the VGN today, please remember apart from raising millions for the NHS that it will, it's keeping people like the old man going, his mind occupied, his love for sport going but more importantly it's his escapism from what's happening out there. đź’™
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