Hello I thought about the situation and the poem some more and kinda have to admit that It might be wrong to bash Till in some way bc yeah the poem triggered me why? Bc I’m a victim of sexual abuse so ofc I will not be happy reading a poem about it. I wouldn’t be happy reading a
Poem about it if it was the victims perspective either.
The thing is that we forget that so many Rammstein songs we love are actually about true events and REAL PEOPLE who would also be triggered if they listened to a song about what happend to them just like films and shows
that’s totally normal but ofc we can’t relate to that.
But now that the theme is rape more people are affected since almost every female on this planet has experienced abuse and sexual abuse by men. So ofc the first impulse most of us had was to be super upset that Till would
write something like that.
I still think it could’ve stayed in the drafts because I just also think the poem isn’t very good while the songs are incredibly good written even tho they are also from the perspective of the Offender. And we don’t know who could be triggered by
those and we don’t see anything wrong with that right? So maybe we should agree that every art piece and every media could trigger and offend different kinds of people it’s just a fact we cannot change and it shouldn’t be a reason for censorship it just means that we have to look
out for what we wanna do to ourselves and that maybe we should normalise trigger warnings on every song film tv show etc.
I will tweet some pictures of Rammstein lyrics that I meant in this thread for comparison.
Please don’t send hate maybe I’m wrong but this is just what I came to think of today these are new thoughts so they might not be thought through entirely.
ALSO I would and will never defend a rapists actions to be clear but this is not what this is about.
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