I'm the exact same tbh. I love city with all my heart but I've not missed football at all since it's been gone. It's just rotten to the core. It's no longer about may the best team win it's all fixed and about favourites nowadays. Both UEFA and the FA have shown how corrupt... https://twitter.com/joanne1894/status/1246162750939770882
they really are. You can't even have a debate about how good a team is now without someone saying "iT's oNlY bEcAuSe oF tHe mOnEy". Yes football's always had some form of corruption, but it's never been on this type of scale. We now have ex players from rival teams...
Commentating on a game that shouldn't involve them e.g. carragher and Tyler commentating on the Manchester derby this season. The tv companies are rotten to the core as well. They really couldn't care less about the matchgoing fans, all they care about is the money no matter...
what it takes. The media have way too much control over what happens in the footballing world as well throwing insults consistently at various players, being biased towards certain players. You'd think that with the current pandemic, that the FA would just null and void the...
season, but no they're just waiting for their favourites to win it. Football is no longer about the matchgoing fans or fans in general, it's all about how much money they can get. It's taking the life out of football and it's too toxic for my liking. It's not enjoyable anymore.
It's not only that, but it's also the constant rule changing. It's one rule for one and one for the other. Last season against spurs in the CL it just showed corruption and "moving the goal posts" in terms of rules. Football isn't the game we all knew and loved anymore.
And back to having debates with rivals, you can't have one without people acting like they're experts and then the insults start being thrown. Some how, they form an opinion without looking at the real facts ( @city_rabin is incredible for showing us the real facts, not what...
gets hidden deep below by the corrupt media, with a narrative that is extremely corrupt). The evidence that rivals gather, seems to be whatever the corrupt media say and they'll follow it blindly. Also, you try and have a debate, you end up getting swarmed by multiple of other...
Fans from the same fan base acting as if they're experts. It just ends up with insults being thrown, and it just becomes vile and horrible. Football isn't the sport that we once knew, it's no longer about fans, it's all about the media and their favourites and the corrupt..
organisations and who they want to win. UEFA have shown time and time again, that they have their favourites, what we refer to as "the European cartel". And when you look at who runs UEFA it just shows how corrupt UEFA are. This is a picture of the current people who run UEFA.
Now back onto this thread. So the one thing in common with all of these people, is they're all part of "the European cartel". Manchester UTD, PSG, Liverpool, Juventus, Real Madrid. These are all either involved currently with these clubs or they were involved with these clubs...
which is obviously extremely corrupt. So you look at our on going case with UEFA, they didn't give our evidence a fair chance which is why we took them to the CAS. All of these will obviously hate our club because of who they're involved with. And obviously these clubs are...
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