It's hard to get the tone right on this, but let's remind ourselves of why #Corbyn is having to go: he was a complete disgrace from start to finish. /THREAD
First and foremost, he made #Labour a frightening and unsafe place for Jews. He was so arrogant he invented a new meaning for the word 'Zionist' and then divided Jews into good and bad. Sinister and frightening.
He turned Labour into a site of hatred, threats and misogyny. His staff covered up and lied, and then covered up and lied some more.
The incompetence was astonishing. Remember Labour Live? All those staff losing their jobs do.
He led @UKLabour to their worst defeat since 1935 (or, since 1935 represented progress, 1931). He lost Blyth Valley.
He fostered a culture of complete denialism and total, total grifterism. People will say anything. That was the most frightening thing. They'll defend anything if it's their team. Well, #NeverCorbyn was right.
And who could forget Peak Corbyn - the way he betrayed you, he betrayed me, he betrayed everyone by helping to pull the plug on Britain's place in Europe.
Yes that's right, THE REAL FIGHT STARTS NOW. 🤮
He said there would be party democracy. It was just another load of lousy stitch-ups for his mates. They didn't care what members thought.
So that's that. By far the weirdest, strangest, most bizarre - but also most worrying - leadership of my lifetime. Because it showed what people will go along with. Don't go along with it again. Ever. /END
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