Facts About #5G.

I get tired every time there's a breakthrough in science that theorist would come and start pulling giberish.

First Myth is that 5G has dangerous radiation. For starters that is completely false!!!
The kind of electromagnetic waves emitted by 5G is basically your radio wave. It is indeed 10X higher than the usual frequency of your normal cellular, but it's spectrum is still within the normal radio wave which is largely non - Ionizing radiation
Secondly, that coronavirus broke out in Wuhan, China because of #5G is also very very false!!!

Wuhan is one of the few places 5G was rolled out at first and places like Shanghai, Beijing, and Co had the test roll out as well... The rolling out didn't happen this year either
Under Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), you have the Ionising and Non-Ionising Radiation

Ionizing radiation is a type of energy released by atoms that travels in the form of electromagnetic waves (gamma or X-rays) or particles (neutrons, beta or alpha). #5G
Ionizing radiation is only harmful to an organism as a whole when its amount gets too high. We are constantly bombarded with very small amounts of ionizing radiation that occur naturally, and we get along just fine with our lives without being seriously harmed by this radiation.
There are trace amounts of naturally-occurring radioactive atoms in the air, in the rocks, in our food, and inside our bodies. When these atoms radioactively decay, they emit ionizing radiation. By its nature of being ionizing, such radiation can damage individual molecules - #5G
-/ even at low intensity. But if the amount of ionizing radiation exposure is very low, our bodies can handle a few damaged molecules without any problem, so that there is no harm done to our bodies. #5G
Ionizing radiation can affect the atoms in living things, so it poses a health risk by damaging tissue and DNA in genes. has sufficient energy to affect the atoms in living cells and thereby damage their genetic material (DNA). #5G
Fortunately, the cells in our bodies are extremely efficient at repairing this damage.
Non-ionizing radiation is the term given to radiation in the part of the electromagnetic spectrum where there is insufficient energy to cause ionization. It includes electric and magnetic fields, radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, and visible radiation. #5G
The #5G spectrum is considered a radio wave and as such is a non-ionising radiation.

Near ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwave, radio waves, and low-frequency radio frequency (longwave) are all examples of non-ionizing radiation.
By contrast, far ultraviolet light, X-rays, gamma-rays, and all particle radiation from radioactive decay are ionizing. These are the ones perceived to be dangerous.
Non-ionizing radiation is relatively low-energy radiation that doesn't have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules. It's located at the low end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Non-ionizing radiation sources include power lines, microwaves, radio waves, .. #5G
infrared radiation, visible light and lasers. Although considered less dangerous than ionizing radiation, overexposure to non-ionizing radiation can cause health issues. Let's take a look at some examples of non-ionizing radiation and the safety issues surrounding them. #5G
Extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation is the radiation produced by things like power lines or electrical wiring. There are health concerns associated with magnetic field exposures near power lines, and this issue is very controversial. #5G
Obviously, ELF radiation surrounds us every day, but hazardous exposure depends on the strength of the ELF at the source, as well as the distance and duration of exposure. Research on ELF radiation focuses on cancer and reproductive issues. #5G,
There is no definitive link between ELF radiation and illness, but studies have shown some preliminary connections [source: WHO].

Radio frequency (RF) and microwave (MV) radiation come most commonly from radios, televisions, microwave ovens and cell phones.
Both RF and MV waves can interfere with pacemakers, hearing aids and defibrillators, and people should take appropriate precautions. In recent years, concerns about cell phone radiation have made headlines. #5G
Although there is no proven link between cell phone usage and health issues, the potential is there. Again, it's all about exposure. Large amounts of RF exposure can heat tissue, which can damage skin or eyes and raise body temperature. #5G
Some experts recommend using a headset or hands-free device if you use your cell phone frequently and for long periods [source: FCC]. You can find out more about cell phones and radiation in our article How Cell Phone Radiation Works. #5G
Our skin and eyes absorb infrared radiation (IR) as heat. Overexposure to IR can result in burns and pain. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation overexposure concerns us because there are no immediate symptoms. However, effects can develop quickly afterward in the form of a sunburn or worse
Overexposure to UV radiation can lead to skin cancer, cataracts and a compromised immune system [source: EPA]. #5G.
I hope With this long lecture I have been able to help you understand that 5G is not harmful in anyway, atleast not as harmful as the sun..
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