I can see lots of people I follow bashing pansexuality. Is pansexuality bollocks? I don't think so and here's why. First off, of course, I understand what people mean by saying it is bollocks. There are only 2 sexes and so pansexual is just a PoMo word for bisexual.
OK true but as that it does serve a purpose. I am bisexual. I would not have sexual or romantic contact with a trans person, not because of transphobia, but because sex is just too important for me.
I want to have sex with people who like their sexed bodies, or at least are comfortable in them. I want them to be fully sexually functional, not have their sexual response compromised by hormones or surgery.
And more importantly, I am feminist and GC and don't want to be with someone who's beliefs are that antagonistical to my own.
People who call themselves pansexual are explicitly saying they would consider trans people as romantic or sexual partners. This is a real distinction and I am happy the language is available to express it.
We often complain about TW who claim to be lesbians or women who are with TW claiming to be lesbians. Rightly so, because lesbian means female homosexual!
It would be better if there was a different word that TW and women who date them could use to describe themselves, so they stopped calling themselves lesbians.
I believe the only fair stance is to say either we can change the meaning of the words we have, or we can have new words to cover the new meanings. The word pansexual protects my word bisexual. I can continue to say bisexual and people can know what that means.
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