I'm so glad that one specific show is over, heard that the ending finale episode sucks and nonsense (So similar as the final episode of how i met your mother)..Plus, don't have to see dumbest flame wars from a certain shipper group attacking others who didn't like certain couple.
With that said, after two characters left the show, i slowly lost an interest in that show. The atmosphere didn't feel the same since then. Tbh, the EP should've done much better, his storyline plot was pretty much hypocritical and nonsense. 😂😂
back to the first tweet in this thread- that's mostly the reason why i haven't been involved in that tv show fanbase and much more involved in sports fanbase. To those people who are upset- remember, it's just a show & the main actor of that certain couple is married in real life
He's prob imagining he's talking to his in real life wife in his head as he's playing his role with certain woman. Don't let this last one minute of that final episode get to you. Who knows, in real life, they prob didn't get along so well and that's why this part last one minute
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