If you ever feel bad about a decision you've made, consider this:

There's an entire major,well-funded political party, run by elitist snobs who pride themselves on thinking they're much smarter than you, who made a conscious, long-term strategic decision to try to bring -
together hundreds of disparate groups of lunatic leftists, each willing to watch the world burn in order to achieve their single, low-popularity & public opinion issue to vote as one bloc.

And they somehow thought they could avoid the all-but-guatanteed eventuality that each -
group would turn on the other to put their unpopular issue at the top of the list, push the envelope so far that all sane people would turn against them & realize the whole group is nothing more than an anger-filled group of ne'er-do-wells.

This same group has very publicly-
failed at multiple hoaxes, each clear to anyone with common sense or the power of deduction and each more deranged than the last.

These people's last hope to clutch at power is a senile old man whose greatest accomplishment was being the wing man to a criminal who ran the -
country by fiat & executive order, and while they constantly parrot Hussein's "scandal free presidency," evidence of a new scandal from their admin comes to light every week.

And that criminal former President won't endorse the senile old man.
The same senile old man has a son who sold access to his VP dad to our greatest adversaries,
can't seem to stay away from hookers & blow and now the senile old Dementia Joe has a sexual harassment scandal of his own.

No matter how bad of a decision you've made, it can't be-
worse than the past 4 years of Democrat decisions.
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