i do not condone using this examples to create a health awareness, in the sense that this diagram is misleading.
for creating a calorie surplus or calories deficit, we must know how our body utilises these calories we put in. this diagram shows a rather detailed diagram which is for better understanding of how calorie is expended during the day.
to start off, i will explain a lil bit of these terms, then i will add in some points as we go along.
1) Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the biggest % of the calories burned in a day. it is the total energy used for maintaining our bodily functions, such as breathing, digestion, blood circulation, body temperature, and contraction of muscles.
2) Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT). this section includes all the movements that we do daily: walking towards fridge, bringing groceries back to car, going upstairs, cooking, and gardening. the things that we do without we noticing that we actually burn calories off
3) Thermic Effect of Foods (TEF). it comprises of the energy expended when we digest foods. yes, our body actually burn off calories while trying to consume them. and we do so efficiently when we consume proteins, more than when we do with carbohydrates and fats.
this is why, when trying to lose weight, i would suggest to increase protein intake daily more than that of a normal person does. plus, an increased intake of protein would mean higher muscle mass, contributing to a higher BMR.
remember that, the more muscles you have, in relative to fat, the more calories you can burn. hence, orang kurus (higher muscle mass in ratio of fat) susah naik berat sebab most of the calories are burned off quickly.
4) Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (EAT). this is a no-brainer and self explanatory. it's when you do exercises, workouts, and sports. you burn more calories the more intense your workout is. the higher the reps, the sets, the more you can burn calories off.
so if your goal is to lose weight, and so, to lose fats, try to alter all these parameters to your liking. you can increase the amount of calories burned by doing more house chores, eat MORE proteins, do MORE workouts/ exercise, or decrease calorie intake. OR BETTER, DO BOTH.
coming back to the first tweet, the diagram shows a very simple conversion of calories, which in turns, would mislead people. our body does a lot more than we would imagine. it is very smart.

i hope that this thread would clear up a bit of misunderstandings about calories :)
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