I've seen this picture+caption popping up for the past 3 days. It triggered my #PeterTingle.
Here's a #Factchecking mini-THREAD]
First, what's wrong with the donkey being carried to prevent him from wandering on a mine story?
1) If the donkey was able to walk, a short bridle or leash would prevent it from going astray.
2) Soldiers move in single file through a proven route in a minefield. Not fanned out as in this picture.
=> Minefield narrative = bullshit.
Let's examine the #WW2 alleged setting.
A close look at the civilian on the far left and the uniforms will debunk it.
1) The civilian is wearing typical Algerian garments consistant with the 'djebel' background
2) The uniforms, esp. the guy on the right in middle ground is late 50s French
3) This is a picture from...
the Algerian War.

Further digging identified the unit as the 13e DBLE #ForeignLegion.
The donkey was actually found starving and too weak to walk (zoom in on the ribcage). It was carried back to base to be fed and healed. Who knows whether it was later used as pack or mascot?
Here's the picture, not cropped.
Upon doing more research we now know that the man carrying the donkey is not a légionnaire but an indigenous 'harki' attached to 13DBLE, the donkey is known as Bambi and the date is 1958.
Bambi became a world-wide sensation… The #Legion was surprised by the extent of the international media coverage at the time. The Legion even received praise from the RSPCA, the oldest and largest animal welfare organisation in the world. (Aug1958)
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