March 14th: *posted COVID-19 hoax, anti-socialism rant on FB*

April 2nd: *died of COVID-19, family asking for GoFundMe donations*

I post this not to mock Karen Kolb Sehlke's death, but to underscore the tragic risk one takes when taking this pandemic for granted. #RIP #StaySafe
Dying from a virus you called a hoax less than 2 wks ago is proof that life comes at you fast, but death comes at you faster. This pandemic isn't an issue about which we should be politically partisan. Let's be smart, vigilant, careful, & caring. COVID-19 is apolitical. #StaySafe
...and, NO, the #COVID_19 case of Karen Kolb Sehlke isn't itself a hoax. The following link is to her original FB post & you can read news of her death in the comments, with proof.

#StaySafe #StayHome #coronavirus #covidhoax @realDonaldTrump @nowthisnews
What's troubling about the way reports of Karen's COVID-19 death are being handled by family & friends is their censorship, the deception. Though it was initially stated on their Gofundme the cause of death was COVID-19, it's been deleted & now reported as cause of death unknown:
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